• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 1, 2017

    You Went To See The Bilawal on The Place of Bhutto

                                                                         Mr Gilani told Dawn that he had received the text message from Ms Clinton on Tuesday.
    On Monday, Mr Bhutto-Zardari took on his first ever road show from Islamabad to Mirpur, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
    At places, the PPP chairperson braved security threats and came out of his vehicle to wave to the charged crowds.
    Mr Gilani was elated at the sentiments of Ms Clinton.
    He wrote to her: “It’s a pleasure to hear such reassuring words from you. I have conveyed your sentiment to Chairman Bilawal and he is really happy to receive such encouragement from you. You have been a consistent friend of Pakistan and the PPP. We hope to see you as president soon and wish you all the success in the upcoming elections”.

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